One thing to leave behind in 2021

Konstantin Tskhay, Ph.D.
2 min readJan 21, 2022

And you should too.

Photo by Inside Weather on Unsplash

Aside from the global pandemic, 2021 was good to me.

I moved into a VP role with more impact and responsibility. I relocated to a new home where my partner and I don’t have to speak loud over each other on conference calls. I fed my curiosity in the kitchen, made new recipes, and spent a great time with our dog.

Yet, there is one thing I will change in 2021.

I will stop being comfortable.

In 2021, I did not have to think about finance buying things I wanted without checking my bank account. I also invested in the market to generate a sizeable return. I even got a full-on routine figured out with workouts, cooking, and work!

Things became boring.

You know that moment when everything is predictable.

You wake up. Go to work. Done with work. Workout. Cook. Take the dog out. TV. Sleep.

And you do this over and over and over again.

This is a trap of comfort.

Once you are stuck in it, you stop growing and accept the status quo. You start with comfort, and soon it becomes complacency, which then turns you into a deadbeat.

This year, I will give up comfort in favour of challenges, and you should too.

Making things a bit harder for yourself is okay as this allows you to stretch to new horizons. You try new things and improve your life, and you learn a skill or two along the way.

Comfort = overrated.

Challenge is what it’s all about.



Konstantin Tskhay, Ph.D.

My name is Konstantin Tskhay (Sky). I research, write about, and practice all things management and leadership.